Melrose Energy and Climate is a group of Melrose citizens who volunteer their time and expertise to help the City of Melrose, its residents, businesses and non-profits save energy and address the climate crisis. By reducing energy consumption and educating the public, the committee is contributing tangible and positive steps toward lessening the harmful effects of global warming and climate change.
Melrose Climate Action
Join your Melrose neighbors as we do all we can to fight climate change. Sign up. Take action. Track our progress. And Make A Difference!
The goal of the Melrose Climate Action website is to accelerate progress toward the city's Net Zero by 2050 goal. The Actions are designed to address the Climate Emergency both individually and collectively, and to include something for everyone, from small Actions to large ones.
MEC's Collaborating Energy Experts & Resources
Earth Week Articles
We'll be highlighting Earth Week topics April 22 - April 29 here.
Upcoming Meetings
There are no upcoming events at this time
Ways to Save
The typical Massachusetts household spends nearly $3,000* annually on energy for the home. Learn a variety of ways to change your carbon footprint though installing solar, implementing energy-saving measures, and altering transportation choices.
* Electricity Cost in Massachusetts: 2023 Electric Rates | EnergySage

Buy Energy Star appliances…and wash in cold water

Install a
WiFi Thermostat

In search of a new car?
Check out the 40+ EV and plug-in hybrids on the market